Cyberattack on New York Hospitals Highlights Growing Threat to Healthcare Sector

Explore the impact of a recent cyberattack on two New York hospitals, which resulted in ambulance diversions, highlighting the critical importance of cybersecurity

On October 20, 2023, two New York hospitals were hit with a cyberattack. The attack affected computer systems at HealthAlliance Hospital in Kingston, New York, and Margaretville Hospital in Margaretville, New York. Both hospitals are part of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network.

The cyberattack caused the hospitals to temporarily divert ambulances and shut down their computer systems. HealthAlliance Hospital remained open, but walk-in patients were treated, assessed, and either released or stabilized and transferred to other facilities. Margaretville Hospital also remained open, but only for urgent and emergency care.

The Westchester Medical Center Health Network said that it was working with the FBI and a cybersecurity firm to investigate the attack and restore its systems. The network also said that it was taking steps to protect patient privacy and security.

Cyberattacks are an increasing warning to arrangements of all sizes, but healthcare arrangements are specifically accessible. Healthcare arrangements store a delicate dossier of resources, including patient records, fiscal facts, and protected property created by original thought. This dossier is valuable to cybercriminals; they can use it for similarity stealing, blackmail, or other hateful purposes.

In the current age, there has been an increase in the number and severity of cyberattacks on healthcare arrangements. In 2021, there were over 500 cyberattacks on healthcare organizations in the United States. These attacks resulted in the theft of heaps of patient records and cost healthcare providers a lot of money.

The cyberattack on two New York wards is just one instance of the increasing warnings of cyberattacks in the healthcare area. This attack upset patient care and forced nursing homes to entertain ambulances. This shows the potential impact of cyberattacks on healthcare arrangements and the significance of cybersecurity measures.

How cybercriminals attack healthcare organizations

Cybercriminals use a variety of forms to attack healthcare arrangements. Some of the ultimate prevailing arrangements involve:

  • Phishing: Phishing attacks are attempts to trick people into telling delicate news in the same way that passwords or charge card numbers do. Cybercriminals frequently transmit phishing emails that give the impression of legal arrangements in the way that the hospital places the body as a patient.
  • Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files and demands a ransom fee in consideration of the explanation key. Ransomware attacks may specifically cause trouble for healthcare arrangements, as they can halt clinics from achieving patient records and add fault-finding structures.
  • Denial-of-duty (DoS) attacks: DoS attacks attempt to devastate a site or server accompanying traffic, making it nonexistent to valid consumers. DoS attacks may be used to upset patient care or to blackmail healthcare services.

How healthcare institutions can protect themselves from cyberattacks

There are any of the following belongings that healthcare arrangements are able and usually willing to change to preserve themselves from cyberattacks:

  • Invest in cybersecurity preparation for all sticks. Healthcare traders need to be informed about the latest trends, the cybersecurity risks that they face, and in what way or manner to care for themselves and their arrangements.
  • Implement a no-trust freedom model. A nothing-trust protection model assumes that no consumer or instrument is trustworthy by default. This approach helps to keep healthcare institutions from facing both internal and external threats.
  • Use multi-determinant confirmation (MFA) for all approaches to impressionable arrangements and dossiers. MFA adds an extra tier of safety by requiring consumers to determine two or more determinants of confirmation, in the same way that identification and the highest quality-occasion rule are used to gain access.
  • Keep operating systems and arrangements modern. Software updates frequently contain freedom patches that can help protect against famous exposures.
  • Have a plan for answering cyberattacks. This plan concedes the possibility of involving steps to hold the attack, restore the attack, and accompany inmates and staff.


Cyberattacks are an increasing warning to healthcare providers, but skilled are any of the belongings that these institutions are likely to keep themselves. By investing in cybersecurity preparation, achieving a nothing-trust freedom model, utilizing MFA, keeping custody spreadsheets and wholes up-to-date, and bearing a plan for responding to cyberattacks, healthcare arrangements can help to look after their sufferers, sticks, and dossiers.

Insights from direct information or knowledge

I have been engaged in cybersecurity for various years, and I have visualized the trenchant impact that cyberattacks can have on healthcare arrangements. One of the greatest challenges in healthcare cybersecurity is the complexity of healthcare structures. Healthcare arrangements use an expansive range of IT orders, many of which are old-fashioned and sensitive to attack. In addition, healthcare arrangements frequently have restricted possessions to purchase cybersecurity.

Another challenge in healthcare cybersecurity is the lack of knowledge about healthcare security. Many healthcare workers are not informed about the latest trends and the cybersecurity risks that they face. This can bring about artless mistakes that may be used by cybercriminals.

Despite these challenges, I am cheerful about the future of healthcare cybersecurity. Healthcare arrangements are more admitting the significance of cybersecurity, and they are lending in new electronics and preparation programs to insulate themselves from cyberattacks. I trust that through cooperation, healthcare arrangements and cybersecurity professionals can make the healthcare sector more flexible to cyberattacks.


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